Monday, May 11, 2009


So first off, this picture above probably has something to do with physics but im too lazy to go and investigate. I just thought it was cool. One day I was driving home and I say the sun piercing though the clouds and it came down in a little shaft, like an alien spaceship looking to suck up some unsuspecting human for experiment purposes. The real physics part of this blog is of the picture below.

Sometime this past week, I forget when, but me and my two friends was riding our scooters down this canal in kahala near my friends house. In the picture we decided to stop and take a break, and lay on the slanted part of the walls of the canal. This is going all the way back to first quarter with friction, but I thought it was neat. The guy on the left could lie on the slant without sliding off. This means that gravity pulling on his body is not enough force to overcome the coefficient of static fricition of the concrete wall. However it must be close because me and the guy on the right would not stay stuck to the wall. We would slide down very slowly, but there is enough force for us to move. I think it is because we are fatter then that 110 pound guy on the left. Me and the guy on the right are both at least 140, yes I know I'm fat, but I only gained 15 pounds since wrestling ended. Anyways the whole part where we could lay on the wall and slide down very slowly reminded me of physics so I decided to take a picture of it. The force of mine and the guy on the right's weight, along with gravity, creates enough force to over come the coefficient of static friction of the concrete block. While riding around in the canal, I also discovered more friction but I have no picture. In the middle, where the water usually runs, it is very bumpy. I found out that if the scooter comes to a stop, your body does not. I ended up running into a huge hole so the wheel got stuck, and on this downward slope, my body didnt, but luckily the handle bars was able to stop my stomach from going any further. I also learned that if you lean inwards, with enough speed, you can ride on the slant of the walls. This is very hard though and I was only able to do it for a short while. It reminded me of the day we learned about how sharp curves in the road are slanted up so cars have an easier time making the turn. Its kind of related because I was only able to make a half circle path on that slanted part of the wall. Well there's probably more but I did not eat dinner so now I am hungry. I think I will have some ice cream.
Geez Louise!!! I forgot I uploaded this picture too. I just decided to put this picture up because it was the first time I noticed the sign that says "discharge yourself of static electricity before leaving," this way you will not catch on fire. Also you should recycle bottles and cans.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Disney Parks

I believe it was last spring break, where my friend went to Disney World. One of the things she brought back for me was this tiny Goofy stuffed animal where the hands and feet stick together. Goofy is also my favoritest of the Disney creatures, probably because his hat is so large. Plus his name is Goofy, that's awesome. However I would not recommend naming a child that name, that would just be mean, unless you are a little girl with big eyes in period 7 Kohara, then the name would be acceptable.

This is rather annoying, I did not even know we had to do a journal until about half an hour ago, which was at 11. Poop >:( I was assuming there was no homework to be done over this family fair weekend. At least Mr Kohara is not as mean as Guillou who gave us a ton of stats homework, which I have yet to start. I really do not care about stats because there is only 10 more days of stats until the ap exam. I also recently learned that Cropsey gave us homework, but I decided not to do it because that would ruin the weekend. Haha, Cropsey, that guy's a character.

So this little stuffed animal Goofy, is able to have his hands and feet stick together because there are magnets inside of them. Oh ya, I always wondered what was under those gloves, because he is a dog, yet he has hands like a regular human, it kind of creeps me out. Anyways, the magnets are cylindrical shaped and have both negative and positive poles. The only way for the magnets to stick to each other is for opposite poles to be on opposite hands and feet. Because opposite poles attract and same poles repel, Goofy's left hand will not stick to the right foot because those are the same pole. Magnets are everywhere, including this computer I am using to type this journal. Here I found Magnets inside a little stuffed animal named Goofy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hot Fudge Sunday!!!

This time I decided to use my mother's camera because she finally found it. But I was sitting at home, doing physics homework, when my friend called my cell phone. Because I forgot to change my phone back to ring since I was at church, my phone started to vibrate. Then I thought to myself, didn't mr, kohara talk about how phones vibrate? Except I forgot exactly what he said, I remember it had something to do with physics.
Wow, this is odd, its almost 730 pm, and I still did not eat dinner. Hmmmmmm, thats probably why I am hungry. This reminds me of this morning, when I woke up too late and I was unable to eat breakfast or else we would be late to church. So I was hungry. Anyways I am mad because on top of being hungry, I still have to do three nights of physics homework :( but yet I am excited to have physics tomorrow. The cool thing about extended is that it does not matter if it is odd or even, there is still physics on Monday!
So about the video, it just shows how my phone vibrates and if my room was quiet enough, I would even be able to hear the vibrate. What I realized was that the phone vibrates louder on my desk then on my bed. This is because on the desk, the whole thing vibrates at the same frequency as the phone but on the bed, the vibrations get absorbed because it is so squishy, not like the desk, which is solid. Its like how the tuning fork is louder on the table top, then in your hand. Also the vibration sound is at a frequency between 20 hz and 20000 hz because that is the range humans can hear and I heard it. SWEET! It's time for dinner!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Good thing I finally remembered to post this extra credit. And now I'm too lazy to figure out how to rotate the picture so I guess Mr. Kohara can imagine it is vertical :)
Wow, this was very early in the morning and I was too lazy to take another picture where I captured my whole face, but its me.
Man! Mine meter thing is super crusty. Oh well I'm not the one that has to look at it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Wrestling Again Because I Have No Other Things on My Computer, I Need to Get a Camera

So I decided to talk about wrestling again, but this time I have a VIDEO. Way better than a picture. Wow this video is taking long to upload. Anyways I found out there is more to wrestling and physics then just center of mass. In the first twenty seconds or so, I have what you call a ball and chain. With this i stick my free hand between my opponents trapped arm and his body, with my elbow in his back. This turns my arm into a lever, where I am trying to pull my opponent over on to his back. However I do not apply enough force and he attempts to escape. As he stands up, my goal is to take him back down, which is what I am able to do because I forced his body to move past his center of mass and prevent his legs, or support, from following his body. This way he falls back to the mat. 

In a match, one wrestler is allowed to have two coaches in their corner. The coaches help you see opening that you, the wrestler, cannot see. These helpful tips can only be helpful because of sound waves. The sound waves from the coaches in the corner travel to my ears. And sometimes I can hear what the opponents coaches say, giving me an idea of what my opponent might do next. But also, with five other matches going on, so many sound waves hit your ear that it may get a little difficult to hear the coaches, especially with the crowd roaring. I am also wrestling on a white mat. This means that all color is being reflected back into my eyes. This last part about color and sound we did not cover in physics, but I'm sure it is related.

Going into two minutes of the video, I am able to successfully get my opponent on his back thanks to the turk. This is a move I take out one of my opponents legs, due to leg riding. This leaves only one leg and two arms as support. With less support, it is easier to get my opponent off balance and to his back. As the whistle blows, it sends sound waves out of the whole arena, signaling that the match is over. These waves hit my ears so I stop wrestling. 

Sound is very important to wrestling, as it signals when to stop and when to start as well as gaining helpful tips from coaches in the corner. And now that I am done typing the video still did not load >:(

Monday, February 16, 2009


So, my mom finally decided to take some pictures of me wrestling. This past weekend was ILH championships, which was not the best day for me. I ended up facing a last year's state champion and a guy who beat that last year state champ. Sadly, I ended up dislocating my shoulder, which was pretty painful, but it feels really good when the trainers popped it back in. Anyways I managed to qualify for states, but I'm not sure I can even wrestle. 
The picture on the top shows me knocking my opponent off balance, thus he needed to post out his hand, which you cannot see, in order to keep from falling over. This means I pushed his center of mass over his support. I have my hand on his ankle to keep him from widening his base, or his support. If he widens his base, it will be harder for me to knock his center of mass over his support. Using my hips and my legs to drive and my hands to block my opponent from creating a larger support, my goal is to turn my opponent over to his back for a pin. However, this guy is a state champion in the 125 weight class, so pinning him is a difficult task.  This second picture shows how because we are both tied up, it is as if we have become one mass, with one center of mass, and share the same support. This is the third round, where both of us are very tired. Because he grabbed my arms, pulling my center of mass over my feet, I braced myself by posting my head up against his head, preventing me from falling over. He is also leaning over his feet, making it so both our masses have one center and that center is supported by both our legs.
This is another picture from Saturday showing how I successfully knocked my opponent's center of mass over his support, causing him to crumble to the mat. Using my right arm, I took away his right arm as support and I drove him over that side without support with a tight waist. With nothing to support his body, he fell over. Unlike the picture above, where I went for the ankle, this time I decided to take the arm instead and it proves to work better. However the results of this match landed me with a dislocated shoulder. Because balance has to do a lot with wrestling, I learned that your center of mass must always be supported to be a good wrestler.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

. . .

So this is the first journal I am doing of the semester and I could not find any good pictures on the stuffs we are learning now. Because I also do not own a camera, I had to look through some old pictures in my computer and I found this picture. Because I learned that physics is everywhere I knew I could find some way of finding physics in this picture. 
WOW!!! I'm really full right now. After three dinners last night, St. Louis Drive Inn, Rainbows, and Taco Bell, while watching the fight, and an extended 6 hour lunch of fried foods and sweet desserts, where I was eating constantly, during the Superbowl, I feel as if I am going to pop. Funny thing is, at the wrestling tournament, I weighed in at 124.4 pounds and as of about half an hour ago, I weigh 136 pounds. Thats a lot in 24 hours!!! I hope I can make weight on saturday. 
So on to the picture. This was taken last year when me and some of my friends went to alan davis and one of my friends brought a scooter along. My goal was to ride and jump off the pole, but many factors prevented me from jumping. At this point in time, I am falling at 9.8 m/s^2. That is gravity. To end up farther out, I would need to start off with a larger velocity, but the pole was very slippery, due to the water on it. This made it so there was very little friction between the pole and the wheels, so I almost fell off. I was able to create a small velocity but it was so slippery that I could not manage to jump, so I kind of just fell off. Because of such a small velocity, I landed very close to the pole and did not get much distance out. The potential energy that I started off with at the top of the pole also equals the kinetic energy right before I smashed into the water. Using more physics knowledge I now know why it was so hard to ride. My mass, plus the scooter is only being supported by two very skinny wheels. So the center of mass is not over the wheels, then I will tip towards one side. Also it is easier to balance the faster the scooter is moving. Anyways this was my best attempt, all the other times I could not even keep my feet on the scooter. 
Im real bummed that I could not get a picture of charges, like what we are learning in class. I think what would help is if I owned a camera. Oh well. I guess I will be grumpy at the end of the week, because I will be so hungry. Making weight is going to be a pain in the behind :(