Monday, October 20, 2008

So up until these past two weeks, physics was so phun, I felt like ONE MILLION DOLLARS! But sadly that was when I understood the concepts. I actually looked forward to going to physics class everyday. Physics was like a break from all my other boring classes. Each time I understood a different concept, I would jump with joy, for from those revelations I feel as though I just won one million dollars. Doing labs is also really phun. Labs put your brain to the test with incorporating physics while you actually can see physics happening before your very own two eyes.

However this feeling all changed these past two weeks as I cannot seem to grasp this new concept. Especially during this past quiz, I was very frustrated because I did not know what was going on. And right now I am frustrated because I just spelled the words "frustrated" and "because" wrong about 4 times. Anyway every time I have to make sure Jon Carlile walks in front of me because it makes me frustrated when he makes failed attempts to stick objects in places I wish weird objects are not to be stuck. Having him in four of my eight periods on Mondays and Wednesdays sometimes gets frustrating. And I just spelled "frustrating" wrong about 3 times, it is making me frustrated.

Anyways I think I will have to just keep trying my best, and when that revelation comes, I will once again feel like ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!


At October 20, 2008 at 2:52 AM , Blogger Ashley Furuta said...

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At October 20, 2008 at 3:03 AM , Blogger Ashley Furuta said...

hey maxx are u frustrated?

At November 25, 2008 at 12:49 PM , Blogger kohara said...

keep working, maxx. i want you to feel like a million dollars too


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