Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Disney Parks

I believe it was last spring break, where my friend went to Disney World. One of the things she brought back for me was this tiny Goofy stuffed animal where the hands and feet stick together. Goofy is also my favoritest of the Disney creatures, probably because his hat is so large. Plus his name is Goofy, that's awesome. However I would not recommend naming a child that name, that would just be mean, unless you are a little girl with big eyes in period 7 Kohara, then the name would be acceptable.

This is rather annoying, I did not even know we had to do a journal until about half an hour ago, which was at 11. Poop >:( I was assuming there was no homework to be done over this family fair weekend. At least Mr Kohara is not as mean as Guillou who gave us a ton of stats homework, which I have yet to start. I really do not care about stats because there is only 10 more days of stats until the ap exam. I also recently learned that Cropsey gave us homework, but I decided not to do it because that would ruin the weekend. Haha, Cropsey, that guy's a character.

So this little stuffed animal Goofy, is able to have his hands and feet stick together because there are magnets inside of them. Oh ya, I always wondered what was under those gloves, because he is a dog, yet he has hands like a regular human, it kind of creeps me out. Anyways, the magnets are cylindrical shaped and have both negative and positive poles. The only way for the magnets to stick to each other is for opposite poles to be on opposite hands and feet. Because opposite poles attract and same poles repel, Goofy's left hand will not stick to the right foot because those are the same pole. Magnets are everywhere, including this computer I am using to type this journal. Here I found Magnets inside a little stuffed animal named Goofy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hot Fudge Sunday!!!

This time I decided to use my mother's camera because she finally found it. But I was sitting at home, doing physics homework, when my friend called my cell phone. Because I forgot to change my phone back to ring since I was at church, my phone started to vibrate. Then I thought to myself, didn't mr, kohara talk about how phones vibrate? Except I forgot exactly what he said, I remember it had something to do with physics.
Wow, this is odd, its almost 730 pm, and I still did not eat dinner. Hmmmmmm, thats probably why I am hungry. This reminds me of this morning, when I woke up too late and I was unable to eat breakfast or else we would be late to church. So I was hungry. Anyways I am mad because on top of being hungry, I still have to do three nights of physics homework :( but yet I am excited to have physics tomorrow. The cool thing about extended is that it does not matter if it is odd or even, there is still physics on Monday!
So about the video, it just shows how my phone vibrates and if my room was quiet enough, I would even be able to hear the vibrate. What I realized was that the phone vibrates louder on my desk then on my bed. This is because on the desk, the whole thing vibrates at the same frequency as the phone but on the bed, the vibrations get absorbed because it is so squishy, not like the desk, which is solid. Its like how the tuning fork is louder on the table top, then in your hand. Also the vibration sound is at a frequency between 20 hz and 20000 hz because that is the range humans can hear and I heard it. SWEET! It's time for dinner!